Bethany Baptist Church MinutesBurnt Corn, Monroe County, Alabama 1821-1827
As transcribed by Lisa R. Franklin RN,BSN January 15, 2000 from microfilm: AL Microtext roll #10: Bethany Baptist Church, Burnt Corn, Monroe County, AL 1821-1856 located at the Allen County Public Library, Ft. Wayne, IN
August 15th, 1821 We the scattered Baptist about Burnt Corn to be known by the name of Bethany Church agree to be constituted on the following principals: 1st we believe in one only true and living God, that this glorious being possesses all possible perfection in his nature and that he is omnipresent and that he exists in or is known by the name of father, son and Holy Ghost in the plan of redemption, three distinct persons but one God 2nd we believe in the free and unconditional election? love of God in Christ predicated on his own Glory and not on anything seen or known in or _etiting to the sinner 3rd we believe in the fall of man and the impossibility of reinstating himself in the favor of God by anything he can do 4th we believe in effectual calling by the Holy Ghost 5th we believe in free justification by the imputation Christ's righteousness alone 6th we believe in the final perseverance of the saints through Grace to glory 7th we believe in the general resurrection of the dead both of the just and unjust and that the righteous shall be received into everlasting life and the wicked shall go away into everlasting punishment. And finally we whose names are hereunto subscribed do give ourselves to the Lord and to one another in covenant contract to be for the Lord to be governed by his word obligating ourselves to watch over one another in love to bear one another burdens and to fulfill the law of Christ. In witness hereof we do hereunto subscribe our names: Garrett Longmire---Henrietta Longmire Charles P. Salter---Susana Hudson Enoch Riley---Sarah Salter Thomas Shelton/Skelton---Salley Carter Jesse Carter---Jinsey Riley Charles Waldrum---Mary Waldrum The above church constituted the day and year above written by us. William Jones-------| ---bishop Dempsy Winborn---| James Salter, Deacon ---------------------------- At the first conference begun and held on Saturday before the 1st Lord's day in Sept. 1821 Brother Longmire Moderator-- 1st Received sister Ann Andrews by letter 2nd The church received the name of Bethany and ordered to be inserted in the fall of the constitution ---------------------------- At a conference held on the 8th day of Oct. 1821 Brother Jones Moderator-- 1st Received brother James Salter and sister Nancy Salter by letter. 2nd Received brother Joel Lee by baptism 3rd Received brother John Salter by baptism 4th Received brother Jesse Lee by baptism 5th Received sister Dorcas Salter by baptism 6th Received sister Martha Ingram by baptism 7th Received sister Doby/Poly/Doly? Salter by baptism 8th William Fuller came forward and related an Experience which was believed to be an Experience of grace and at the same time expeped? an embarassment? which he was labouring under the church misunderstood his meaning as appeared afterwards and gave him the right hand of fellowship without hesitation his baptism was postponed for the present. Conference concluded. ---------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in Nov 1821 Brother Jones Moderator 1st The case of William Fuller being taken up it was agreed that it should be postponed until the next meeting. ---------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in December 1821, Brother Jones Moderator. 1st Received sister Midea Lee by letter 2nd The case of William Fuller was taken up again and was postponed until next meeting --------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in January 1822, brother Longmire Moderator. 1st Received Sister Polley Shelton by baptism 2nd The case of William Fuller was taken up again and laid over for further consideration --------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in February 1822 Brother Longmire Moderator. 1st Received brother Charles Partain and sister Sarah Partain by letter. 2nd The case of William Fuller was taken up again and after being fully investigated it was decided that he could not be admitted unto the church --------------------- March 1822 No conference -------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in April 1822 brother Longmire Moderator 1st Received brother Drury Deese and sister Sarah Deese by letter ------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in May 1822 brother Longmire Moderator. 1st Received brother William Dozier and Sister Elizabeth Dozier by letter ------------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in June 1822 brother Longmire Moderator--no business done ------------------- July 1822 no conference ------------------ At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in August 1822 brother Longmire Moderator. 1st brother Garrett Longmire and brother James Salter was appointed delegates to the next beckbe? association and brother Charles Waldrum in case of failure. 2nd resolved that Friday before the first Lord's day in Sept. next be (appointed is lined through) observed by the church as a day of fasting and prayer. 3rd brother Joel Lee is appointed to write a letter from the church to the beckbe? association. ------------------ At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in Sept 1822 Brother Jones Moderator. 1st resolved that in future that all sums of money that shall be paid into the church fund shall be entered in the church book and that the donors be annexed thereto. 2nd resolved that brother Joel Lee be appointed Treasurer of the church fund and all expenditures which may hereafter occur shall be regularly entered in said book. 3rd Received a request from the Olive Branch church for helps to aid in conference. The brothers Garrett Longmire, Joel Lee, Charles Waldrum and Drury Dees was appointed for the purpose. ---------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in Oct 1822. No business done. --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in Nov. 1822 1st Received brother Edward Brooks and sister Susanna Brooks by letter 2nd Received sister Elizabeth Johnson by letter -------------- No conference held in December, January, February, and March -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in April 1823 Brother William Jones Moderator. 1st Received sister Jocy Tarver by letter 2nd Received a petition from Mars Hill church from? the brethren Mosley and Carter praying that the Church of Bethany would unite with said church at some convenient place whereupon the Brethren Salter, Longmire, Carter and lee was appointed by the church a committee to meet a committee appointed by the church of Mars Hill for the purpose of locating a spot for the Meeting House and report to the next conference at Bethany. --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in May 1823 Brother Longmire Moderator. 1st Received Brother James Ray by letter. -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in June 1823. No business done -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in August 1823 Brother Charles Salter Moderator 1st The church deemed it necessary to appoint the Saturday before the third Lord's day in the present month for the purpose of making arrangements for the next association. -------------- The church met agreeable to appointment the Brethren Longmire, Lee and Shelton was appointed delegates and Lee to write the letter in order to be read at the next conference. No business in September 1823. -------------- No meeting in October 1823 -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in November 1823 Brother Jones Moderator. 1st Brother Longmire made the following motion which was agreed to: Whereas it appeared to him that difficulties existed in the church and being desirous to try the fellowship of her members on Friday before the first Lord's day in January next. -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in December 1823 Brother Jones Moderator. 1st The church took up the resolution which was passed at the last conference in which the fellowship of the church was to be ??? and on consideration Brother Longmire agreed to withdraw his motion. -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in January 1824 Brother Jones Moderator. 1st The church unanimously agreed to give Brother William Jones a call to take the Pastoral charge of the church the ensuing year. Brother Joel Lee to write a letter to Brother Jones on the subject and Brother Salter and Brother Lee to bear the same ____ the Olive Branch Meeting house for the purpose of meeting Brother Jones there. -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in April 1824 Brother Longmire Moderator 1st The Brethren Salter and Lee ???? that agreeable to the order of the church in January last they attended with the _______ at the Olive branch meeting house and Brother Jones failed to meet them at that place. 2 The church agreed that the said brethren Lee and Salter should attend at Mars Hill Meeting house on the second Saturday this instant for the purpose of delivering the letter above mentioned to Brother Jones at that place. -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in May 1824 Brother John Ellis Moderator. 1st Received Sister Emelia Partin by letter. 2 Brother Lee one of the bearers of the above mentioned letter reported as follows that he delivered the letter to brother Jones at Mars Hill and that brother Jones observed that he was not prepared to give a final answer to the call but would try to attend on the first Lord's day in July next and at that time give answer. 3rd On motion made by brother Longmire the Brethren Lee and Salter was appointed to cite brother Thomas Shelton to attend at the next conference or to inform said messengers the reason why he has been so long absent from the church. -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in July 1824 Brother Ellis Moderator. 1st Received black sister Violet by baptism 2nd the case of brother Shelton was taken up and laid over until next meeting by reason of his having to attend a meister? at the time of his citation here. 3rd Received a request from the Olive branch church for three helps to sit in conference with said church on the first Friday in August next in compliance with said request the brethren Longmire, Lee and Waldrum was appointed. 4th Brother Longmire moved that the member listing in the neighborhood of Flat Creek should form an arm of the church of Bethany to do and transact their own business to receive and dismiss members but in difficult cases to apply to the mother church for aid and council. 5th The church unanimously agreed to call Brother Ellis to take the pastoral cear? of said church and on giving information to Brother Ellis of the wish of the church Brother Ellis agreed to accept the call and attend in the capacity of pastor until the first of January next. ---------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in August 1824 Brother Ellis Moderator. 1st The case of brother Shelton taken up again brother Shelton being present made such acknowledgements as gave church satisfaction 2nd The Brethren Longmire, Lee and Waldrum was appointed delegates to the next Beckbe association and Brother Lee to write the letter 3rd Received Black sister Vincy by baptism ---------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in September 1824 Brother Ellis Moderator. 1st Resolved that a contribution be made up to pay for the printing of the minutes of the next association for which there were the sum of $3 subscribed --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in December 1824 Brother Ellis Moderator. 1st Sister Dolly Shelton applied for a letter of dismission for brother Thomas Shelton and herself which was granted. 2nd a petition was presented by the brethren Rogers and Duke from Bethel church praying this church to unite with them on equal grounds the brethren Longmire, Salter and Waldrum were appointed to meet at brother Carter's on the 22nd instant being for the purpose of joining a committee from the Bethel church to locate a place for the meeting house. 3rd Sister Tocy Tarver applied for a letter of dismission which was granted also for a letter for her black woman Vincy. ---------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in January 1825 Brother Ellis Moderator. 1st Brother Longmire reported that the committee appointed by this church met the committee from the Bethel church and that they could not agree on a place for the union of the two churches 2nd Brother Jesse Lee applied for a letter of dismission which was granted 3rd Sister Martha Ingram applied for a letter of dismission which was granted 4th Resolved that the Saturday before the fifth Lord's day of this instant be the day for the purpose of holding the next conference. --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in March 1825 1st The church took into consideration the conduct of brother Thomas Shelton for secretly absconding himself and not paying his just debts. It was thought advisable to deal with Shelton believing he had not had time to join to any other church he was therefore excluded and brother Lee was directed to write a letter as quick as possible to the place where it was said that said Shelton stopped. 2nd Brother Ray presented a petition from sundry of the members near Flat Creek praying letter of dismission in order that a church might be constituted more convenient to them which was granted. -------------- The church met on the 29th of January agreeable to the resolution passed on Saturday before the first Lord's day in January 1825 Brother Jones Moderator 1st brother Jones was unanimously chosen by the church and congregation to be their pastor for the ensuing year. ------------- April, May and June no conference or the papers misplaced ------------ At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in July 1825 Brother Kitrel Warren Moderator 1st Sister Susan Brooks applied for a letter of dismission which was granted 2nd A petition was presented by Isaac Carter from Mars Hill church requesting the church of Bethany to meet at Forbuses school house on Saturday before the fourth Sunday of this instant in order to consider whether it would be expedient to unite with the church of Mars Hill 3rd the church appointed the Brethren Longmire, Salter, Waldrum, Dozier, Partin, and Riley to meet at the time and place above mentioned. -------------- August and September no conference -------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in October 1825 on motion of Brother Riley 1st Resolved in future that if any male member should be absent from the church on two conference days in succession that on the third he shall attend and render the reason why he has failed and on his refusal shall be cited to attend the fourth by a written citation delivered to him or left at his house by some member appointed for that purpose. ----------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the first Lord's day in November 1825 1st The church appointed brother Lee to attend at the Pond Meeting House on the Saturday before the fourth Lord's day of the instant to invite Brother Travis in the name of the church to visit us at sometime when most convenient 2nd Received a request from Mars Hill church for three helps to assist in settling some difficulty existing in said church. --------------- Here appears to be a paper mislaid which contains the proceedings of the church from November until March. --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the third Lord's day in March 1826 Brother Travis Moderator. 1st The church being desirous to unite with Mars Hill church at a place known by the name of Carter's Spring. 2nd The Brethren Longmire, Lee and Salter was appointed delegates to visit Mars Hill church for the purpose of ascertaining whether that church will unite with this church at said Spring. 3rd The said delegates was also to know if said church would alter the time of holding their meetings from the second to the first Sunday and Saturday before in each month. --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the second Lord's day in May 1826 Brother Travis Moderator. 1st Received Basdel M. Burns by Baptism 2nd Received Brother Martin B. East/Oast? by Baptism 3rd Received Sister Fanny Salter by Baptism 4th Received a black woman by the name of (blank space here where name was omitted) by baptism 5th The brethren Longmire and Salter two of the delegates appointed in March last to visit Mars Hill Church reported that in consequence of several of that body being absent it was not advisable to give a positive answer therefore brother Longmire was appointed to make such enquiry as might enable him to report more fully to this church in July next. ----------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the second Lord's day in July 1826 Brother Travis Moderator. 1st on motion of brother Travis it was agreed that a house should be built for worship on the lands of John and Joseph George near the former residence of Mr. Herrin if the land can be had gratis. 2nd The Brethren Longmire, Lee, Salter, Riley and John Green Esquire was appointed a committee to locate the spot for the house and superintend the building and the brethren Longmire and Salter was to see the Mr. Georges to know if the land can be had and Brother Longmire to draw a subscription. 3rd Received brother John Boman by baptism ---------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the second Lord's day in February 1827 brother Travis Moderator. 1st Brother Salter moved that communion shall be held in March next and kept up once every three months hereafter which was agreed to 2nd Sister Gincy Riley applied for a letter of dismission for herself and a black sister by the name of Violet which was granted. ---------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the second Lord's day in March 1827 Brother Travis Moderator. No business before the church --------------- At a conference held on Saturday before the second Lord's day in April 1827 Brother Travis Moderator. 1st Received brother Charles Dekel (Dickel?) and wife ___________ 2nd Received Sister Polley Wells by letter 3rd Sister Ann Anders applied for a letter of dismission which was granted 4th Received Sister Mary Snowden by baptism
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